Vstudio all-in-one solution disrupts fitness market

Vstudio is a simple all-in-one solution to teaching online, helping people stay active and healthy.

The video conferencing platform is designed to streamline the online teaching process, taking the tech out of teaching so you can focus on growing your business. Vstudio was founded with fitness and wellness for everyone in mind. Vstudio prioritizes industry-leading student and teacher engagement, offering a vibrant and open community space to replace cold and quiet Zoom rooms, set on highly reliable video conferencing for virtual classes, and much more!

When the pandemic hit, vstudio founder, Jayla Pearce, needed a seamless, time-saving solution to teaching online. Pearce was a part-time yoga teacher herself and was frustrated by cumbersome and fragmented video conferencing platforms. With first-hand experience, she and her yoga student founded vstudio with a focus on streamlining client experience and ease-of-use.

“For the instructor, we provide an all-in-one platform, including video conferencing, that makes it easy to run all of their offerings,” said Pearce, “We have instructors in 22 countries, in the last year and a half 30 per cent of our new instructors sign up from a referral from an existing one, we don’t give them any prompts. So, people are loving it. And the most feedback we get is how simple and easy it is for them to run things and for their students to attend. And just how easy it is for them to figure out.”

Vstudio is building a worldwide network for their global movement platform, already boasting students from 22+ countries and a slew of instructors from around the globe. Vstudio’s game-changing, all-in-one solution arrives in a rapidly expanding global fitness market. The main differentiator, being they prioritize the connection between student/instructor unlike most virtual fitness offerings that are one-sided giants, where the teacher can’t see you or is a recording.

Zoom fatigue has crept in for almost everyone over the past two years, and vstudio is offering an engaging alternative to impersonal Zoom calls. The connectivity offered by vstudio is vital for success in this industry: 47% of people are more likely to maintain a wellness routine when held accountable by a teacher; and 21% of people practice yoga online to feel less lonely. Tweaks to the class delivery method, such as the teacher seeing all the students while the students only see the teacher, and students able to ask questions only the teacher can hear, are just a couple of the ways vstudio offers a more accessible and interactive experience.

All your offerings are in one place-live and recorded classes; workshops and training; memberships class packs; private bookings, and in-person offerings. Seamless scheduling ensures you can set it and forget while vstudio takes care of the rest. On vstudio, promotion is made easy, to share all your offerings and get discovered by new clients. With vstudio the technology is made simple, and the entire online teaching process is streamlined and taken care of so you can focus on your brand.

Vstudio will be offering a one-month free trial and their monthly pricing ranges from $15 to $113.

Founder Jayla Pearce brings five years of experience teaching health and wellness and 10 years in corporate management in sales and marketing. She has recently moved to Hamilton and is expecting a child soon. Vstudio was co-founded with developer Prasann Pandya, who won “hackathons” across North America. In Hamilton, vstudio has partnered with business incubator, The Forge.

“Running a business can be lonely and isolating and a little daunting figuring out where to focus. So, I’m just so excited to be a part of a community. It’s only been a couple of weeks that I’ve joined this incubator, but I have already made great connections,” said Pearce of working with The Forge.

The Forge – a business incubator funded by McMaster University, serving novel and scalable start-ups in the Hamilton, Greater Toronto, and Niagara Regions.

Vstudio will be looking to raise its first round of investment funds in the spring/summer and will be also launching a participant membership.

To learn how to get yourself energized online and to help keep your health and wellness in check, visit www.vstudio.live today.

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