Vocalmeet delivers unprecedented results and revenue growth for Bar association clients in 2021

 Vocalmeet’s Marketing Assistance Program delivered unprecedented results and revenue growth for Bar association clients in 2021.

The revamped Marketing Assistance Program is the latest in Vocalmeet’s long line of innovation to monetize continuing education programs and accelerate membership growth.

Vocalmeet’s complimentary marketing services are producing unprecedented results and yielding prompt returns on client investments. Many of Vocalmeet’s clients achieved a 300% increase in non-dues revenues from the sale of online courses.

Vice President of Professional Services at Vocalmeet, Dr. Laurelle Jno Baptiste, outlined the focus of the Marketing Assistance Program which makes up one part of Vocalmeet’s triangle for online learning success. “Continuous marketing of online courses is the key to success,” says Dr. Jno Baptiste. “Without it, the rate of adoption (the rate at which individuals utilize a client’s new online learning platform) will fall flat.”

The Marketing Assistance Program streamlines marketing efforts, allowing associations to quickly realize a return on their initial investment with ongoing visibility and professional strategic marketing. The internet is flooded with digital ad-space bought, sold, and ineffective due to a lack of strategy. A professional marketing strategy makes the difference between advertisements being merely visible and being noticed.

In addition to the marketing strategy planning sessions, marketing support includes providing bar association clients with discount codes, digital marketing designs, social media support, digital strategy check-ins, and promotional materials which they can use when offering continuing legal education courses to members and also to non-members.

The Marketing Assistance Program constitutes just one service comprising Vocalmeet’s triangle for online learning success, alongside Technology and Technical Support.

Streamlining technology prioritizes ease and efficiency, allowing association staff the time needed to focus on other member initiatives. Vocalmeet’s technology platforms streamline the online learning approach beginning with a 2-step process for customers to easily purchase or access courses. The Vocalmeet system eliminates tedious administrative work required to run online education programs.

Vocalmeet takes care of all aspects of implementation, platform set-up, and course development, allowing clients to maximize efficiency and focus their full attention on core business initiatives. Automation is a vital component to the success of continuing education programs leading to higher revenue and engaged members.

Vocalmeet handles all technical support inquiries from users, and clients are assigned a dedicated project manager to optimize technical support. The project manager offers a convenient and efficient single point of contact for administrative support. Attentive customer care in harmony with ease of use is essential for building membership and sales. A user-friendly solution like Vocalmeet will be far more appealing than a tedious alternative.

Vocalmeet’s triangle for online learning success ensures that establishing a state-of-the-art education platform has never been easier, innovation has never been simpler, and the path to monetization has never been clearer.

For more information, visit Vocalmeet online today.

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